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Financial fraud prevention and monitoring

Financial fraud prevention and monitoring

A financial transaction in instant payment systems is completed in just seconds. Within a fraction of this time, we need to collect all the data related to the transaction, evaluate it, and take action.

Financial fraud prevention and monitoring

Financial fraud prevention and monitoring

Financial fraud prevention and monitoring

A financial transaction in instant payment systems is completed in justseconds. Within a fraction of thistime, we need to collect all the data related to the transaction, evaluate it, and take action. That is why we offer innovative approaches and cutting-edge tools that empower the fraud fighters to act swiftly, precisely, yet with the flexibility to adapt to any challenge.

Financial fraud prevention and monitoring

A financial transaction in instant payment systems is completed in justseconds. Within a fraction of thistime, we need to collect all the data related to the transaction, evaluate it, and take action. That is why we offer innovative approaches and cutting-edge tools that empower the fraud fighters to act swiftly, precisely, yet with the flexibility to adapt to any challenge.

Financial fraud prevention and monitoring

Data is the oil, make sure to use it all during the real-time evaulation. This is what we call the enrichment process.

All data structures could be ingested and processed

Due to its open, scalable architecture, our solution can accommodate all types of data from any source, from structured to semi-structured to unstructured, all without sacrificing fidelity.

Using a new data source is just a matter of configuration by users

The system's intuitive configuration interface gives fraud analysts the freedom to choose how they want to use the data for a possible fraud evaluation.

Create and arming rules in minutes without development and downtime

The system's intuitive configuration interface gives fraud analysts the freedom to choose how they want to use the data for a possible fraud evaluation.

Consolidate all available data into a single Data Lake. We utilize processes that consistently correlate this data with events that need monitoring. Consequently, at each check, we access a dataset that greatly improves our hit rate accuracy.

Typical fraud related data sources - what we monitor

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Card acceptance

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Cafeteria card transactions

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Digital wallets

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Card issuing

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Credit application

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Digital wallets

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Audit logs

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Account opening data

Typical enrichment data sources - what we use for monitoring

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IT logs

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Other external data sources

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Devices' data

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Employee data

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Biometry data

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Lists (Blacklists, Whitelists, etc.)

Beyond applying rules, it's essential to incorporate Scoring and Profiling procedures and use the power of Machine Learning.


Profiles help to establish typical patterns of behavior based on collected events. Profiling can utilize various sources, including transaction data, master data, and the incidents themselves.


The use of scoring is aimed at identifying suspicious cases of fraud that rules alone may not detect. A score value is assigned to transaction fields, and this score is then interpreted by the rules to identify potential fraud.

Machine Learning

Our Platform leverages machine learning to provide top-tier protection. It uses advanced correlations to detect complex fraud patterns and fraud trends. The self-learning capabilities can continually improve the accuracy to reduce false-positive hits.

Make decisions in miliseconds, notify customers and analyst in seconds. Conduct full investigations with a 360° customer view, and fulfill monitoring and management reporting needs from a single platform.


The system allows configuring actions at the rule level beyond stopping transactions. Block cards and devices, send SMS or email alerts, or push notifications to end users. It's just a matter of integration.

Unified data mining interface

Our platform offers powerful data exploration capabilities, enabling you to gain deeper insights into customers, transactions, and fraud trends. Through intuitive visualizations and comprehensive analytics, understanding complex data patterns becomes straightforward and efficient.

Machine Learning

The system is designed to generate live dashboards and detailed reports effortlessly through a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. Additionally, it can produce data extracts for regulatory compliance, ensuring that all reporting requirements are met efficiently and accurately.

Using NoSQL and In-Memory components with the following trusted technologies:

Tensor Flow

Using NoSQL and In-Memory components with the following trusted technologies:

Tensor Flow

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